Hitting an enemy who has less than 25% health has a chance, scaling with HP, to charm them for 8 seconds.
This means that this enemy will fight for you and will not harm you.
You get +50 range with melee weapons.
Your item prices are reduced by -10%.
You take -3% damage per 5 curses.
You get -1 armor per 5 curses.
At the end of a wave you get +1 curse.
We start the run through for the romantic with the SMG.

Due to its low base damage but extremely high attack speed, it is perfect for increasing the chance to charm an opponent.
The chance to charm an enemy is always once, so hitting them more often when they are below 25% health does not have an increased chance of triggering the charm effect.
Enemies who are bewitched die after the duration and leave behind the materials as normal.
Harvesting proves to be very useful here at the beginning.
Your % damage decreases the more curse you have, so it is important to increase this value more.
To increase the chance of bewitching, you need more max HP.
The chance is 50% of your max HP, so a value of around 90-100 is already very good.
Your armor constantly decreases when you get cursed, so it is important to get more armor here so that you do not take too much damage.
To restore HP, % life reduction is always a good option for a fast-firing weapon like the SMG.
You should think twice about taking items that increase your curse, as they will reduce your % damage and your armor.
With fertilizer, you can boost your harvest quite a bit at the beginning of the run without being affected by the negative effect.

As a reward for your first successful run, you will receive the flute as a weapon for your future runs.


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