Shiny Relic
For every 5 Shiny Relics you collect, a message will appear informing you that your chances of getting Shiny Pets have increased.
Unfortunately, it is not known exactly how much the chance actually increases.
Zones 1 - 20
Zone 1

Behind the tree in the 1st zone you will find a Shiny Relic.

The Social Rewards gold stack hides a Shiny Relic behind it.

Next to the Like The Game board you will find a Shiny Relic.
Zone 3

At the 1st Free Diamonds chest in the 3rd zone you will find a Shiny Relic behind a tree.
Zone 5

In the 5th zone you will find the Shiny Relic behind the Classic Obby minigame.
Zone 6

The Shiny Relic in the 6th zone is to the left of the Potion Vending Machine.
Zone 7

In the 7th zone you will find the Shiny Relic in a chest next to the wind turbine.
Zone 8

In zone 8 you will find the Shiny Relic in a crack in the wall.
Zone 9

Next to the Enchant Vending Machine in the 9th zone you will find the Shiny Relic in the water.
Zone 12

In the 12th zone, the Shiny Relic is hidden in a bush.
Zone 13

You can find a Shiny Relic in Zone 13 in one of the tombstones.

The other Shiny Relic in Zone 13 can be found near Upgrade Potions.
Zone 15

You can find a Shiny Relic in Zone 15 next to the large tree in this zone.

You can find the other Shiny Relic in the small forest in the zone.
Zone 18

In Zone 18 you will find the Shiny Relic in the archway above.
Zone 20

You can find a Shiny Relic from Zone 20 in a bucket behind Daycare's house.

You can also find the other Shiny Relic in a bucket but behind the spawn of the large box from the zone.
Zones 21 - 40
Zone 21

In Zone 21, the Shiny Relic is hidden in a coral.
Zone 23

You can find the Shiny Relic from Zone 23 on a pillar above the Atlantis minigame.
Zone 24

In Zone 24 there is a Shiny Relic above the passage to Zone 16.

You can find the other Shiny Relic in the passage to Zone 16.
Zone 25

In Zone 25 you will find the Shiny Relic next to the Rebirth One Statue, behind a totem.
Zone 26

You can find a Shiny Relic from Zone 26 in a pile of gold next to a palm tree.

The other Shiny Relic from this zone is a little further to the right of the Fruits II Vending Machine.
Zone 27

The Shiny Relic in Zone 27 can be found under the boat.
To do this you have to look at a very specific angle, like shown in the picture.
Zone 30

In Zone 30 you will find the Shiny Relic behind the bridge in a pile of dirt.
Zone 31

The Shiny Relic from Zone 31 is to the right of the Pyramid Obby minigame, behind a cactus.
Zone 33

You can find the Shiny Relic in Zone 33 in the window of one of the houses, behind a cactus.
Zone 34

In Zone 34, the Shiny Relic is in a ravine near the next zone.
Zone 36

Zone 36 hides its Shiny Relic in a tree.
Zone 37

You can find one of the Shiny Relics from Zone 37 on the roof of one of the houses.

The other Shiny Relic from this zone is behind another house, right in front of a snowman.
Zone 39

You can find the Shiny Relic from Zone 39 on a snowman.
Zone 40

To get the Shiny Relic from Zone 40, you need to look behind one of the houses that is by the ski lift.
Zones 41 - 59
Zone 41

At the waterfall in Zone 41 you will find the Shiny Relic from this zone.
Zone 42

The Shiny Relic from Zone 42 is located in an ice crack in Zone 42.
Zone 43

In the lava of Zone 43 you will find a Shiny Relic.
Zone 44

You can find the Shiny Relic from Zone 44 behind some rocks near the tunnel.
Zone 45

To the left of the Chest Rush minigame you will find the Shiny Relic from Zone 45.
Zone 46

You can find the Shiny Relic in a skeleton head from Zone 46.
Zone 47

Next to the Rare Potions Vending Machine you will find the Shiny Relic from Zone 47.
Zone 50

The one Shiny Relic from Zone 50 is on the side of the archway.

The other Shiny Relic is behind the gate of the Rebirth Statue.
Zone 51

On the side of the temple from zone 51 you will find the Shiny Relic of this zone hidden.
Zone 52

You can find the Shiny Relic from Zone 52 in one of the houses behind the counter.
Zone 56

You can find the Shiny Relic from Zone 56 behind the ticket board.
Zone 58

For the Shiny Relic from Zone 58 you have to look behind the castle and there between a rock and the wall of the castle you will find this Shiny Relic.
Zone 59

Behind one of the houses on the left you will find the Shiny Relic from Zone 59.
Zones 63 - 74
Zone 63

Behind the Merchant from Zone 63 you will find the Shiny Relic in a pile of ice.
Zone 64

Behind the ice hill in Zone 64 you will find the Shiny Relic.
Zone 65

In Zone 65, the Shiny Relic is behind a snowman at the end of the snow path.
Zone 67

Behind the train in Zone 67 you will find this Shiny Relic.
Zone 68

In Zone 68, the Shiny Relic is behind one of the houses by the window.
Zone 71

On a small pedestal behind the archway in Zone 71 you will find this Shiny Relic.
Zone 72

The Shiny Relic from Zone 72 is behind the monolith.
Zone 73

This Shiny Relic can be found in the waterfall of Zone 73.
Zone 74

In one of the tombs in Zone 74 you will find the Shiny Relic.

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