Here you can see an overview map of Ridgeview Court.
I'll show you exactly where the individual cursed objects are located using pictures of the detailed locations.
Monkey Paw
You can find the Monkey Paw in Ridgeview Court on the first floor of the house.
To do this, after entering the house, go straight ahead to the stairs that lead up.
Follow this up and then walk straight ahead to the end of the corridor.
There you continue to the right and take the first door on the right.
Once in this room, the Monkey Paw lies on the desk in front of a green notebook.
Summoning Circle
Ridgeview Court's Summoning Circle is located in the basement.
You can get there if you turn left directly after the front door and walk past the dining table.
There you will find a door on the right that opens inwards and behind which there is a staircase that leads you to the basement.
Open the next door you find in the basement, and you will see the Summoning Circle in front of you.
Haunted Mirror
The Haunted Mirror is on the first floor of Ridgeview Court near the stairs to the basement.
When you enter the house, go to the left, between the living room and dining room, and you will see the Haunted Mirror hanging on the wall directly opposite the door to the cellar.
Music Box
You can find Edgefield Road's Music Box on the upper floor of the house.
To do this, go straight ahead to the stairs that lead up.
Once there, go through the passage on the left and turn immediately right again.
Go through the door that separates the hallway from the room and turn left.
There you will find the music box on the cupboard.
Ouija board
You can find the Ouija board on the first floor of Edgefield Road.
More specifically, you'll find it in the laundry room.
To get to this, after entering the house, go left, past the dining room and continue following the hallway while keeping to the left.
Shortly afterward, you will come to a door on the right and left.
Take the left door and you will find yourself in the washroom.
There you will find the Ouija board on a shelf directly in front of you.
Tarot cards
The tarot cards are right at the entrance to Edgefield Road.
Enter the house and immediately turn right.
The tarot cards are on a cabinet there, right next to the car keys.
Voodoo doll
You can find the voodoo doll on the first floor of Edgefield Road.
To get to this, you have to follow the hallway to the left once you are in the house.
Go past the living room and keep left.
Follow the hallway until you reach another room.
Once there, turn left, and you'll find the voodoo doll sitting on a small blue bench that's next to the piano.

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