The new and revised Bleasdale Farmhouse Rework map also has new locations for cursed Posessions. You can find them here.

First floor

On the first floor you will find the summoning circle, the music box and the Ouija board.

1st floor

You will find the monkey's paw, the haunted mirror and the voodoo doll on the 1st floor.


You will find the tarot cards in the attic of Bleasdale Farmhouse.

Music Box

You will find the Music Box immediately after entering the house, in the first room on the left.

There on a shelf you will find lots of porcelain dishes.

Summoning circle

To find the summoning circle, you must go to the storage room on the ground floor of the house.

This is located behind the room with the music box and offers a very good hiding place.

Ouija board

The Ouija board can also be found on the ground floor of Bleasdale Farmhouse.

This is in the living room, which you will find directly after entering the house, leaning against one of the sofas.

Voodoo doll

For the voodoo doll you have to go to the first floor.

You will find these in the bedroom, which is the largest room on this floor.

To get to the bedroom, take the first door on the right.

The voodoo doll sits on a small armchair in front of the bed.

Haunted Mirror

The first room on the left side of the first floor is the trophy room.

In this room you will find the Haunted Mirror.

The mirror is in front of the open display case.

Monkey Paw

You can find the monkey's paw in the back corner of the office room on the first floor of Bleasdale Farmhouse.

To get to this room, go straight down the hall and through the door.

The monkey's paw is then located on a shelf behind the armchair.

Tarot cards

The only cursed object you will find in the attic of Bleasdale are the tarot cards.

To find these, you have to go through the door curtain and then you will find the tarot cards on a table next to a glass ball.


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