In Weekly Challenge Mode, you play an alternate game variant that you must complete three times to receive a reward of $5,000 and 5,000 experience.
Completion simply requires identifying the correct ghost. Even if you die but chose the correct ghost, it counts as one of the three completions.
It works best in a group, but can also be played alone.
Some weekly challenges are more difficult than others and may require multiple attempts.
The advantage is that all the equipment you need for the challenge is provided to you, so you don't have to spend any money.
The downside is that you have to play with the given equipment on the given map to complete it.
From the description you can sense that both you and your mind will move more slowly.

The exact meaning is that you and the ghost have 75% speed.
Also, the fuse box is broken and the ghost has a low speed to wander and change rooms.
The interaction rate and ghost event rate are also lower.

The equipment consists mainly of Tier 1 and Tier 2 equipment.
The Sanity medicine and the thermometer are Tier 3.
The incense, the igniter and the firelight are missing.
So here you have to be a little more careful when the ghost starts a hunt.
The challenge takes place at Camp Woodwind.
Tips on the process
The snow makes it a little more difficult to find the ghost room, as it will be cold everywhere and your breath will be icy.
The thermometer is therefore only useful for determining potentially freezing temperatures.
Try to find a mind interaction with the EMF or listen for sounds like knocking.
Once you find the ghost room, bring the remaining equipment into the room and wait for the evidence.
Try to find a good hiding place beforehand where you can escape to when the ghost starts hunting, as Camp Woodwind is a very open map and the ghost can find you easily.

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