For the weekly challenge mode Vulnerable, you can find a description and a few tips on the best way to complete it here.


The Weekly Challenge Mode offers you an alternative gameplay variant that you must complete three times to receive a reward of $5,000 and 5,000 experience.

To achieve completion, you must identify the correct ghost. Even if you die but chose the correct ghost, it counts as one of the three completions.

It works best in a group, but can also be played alone. Some weekly challenges are more difficult and may require multiple attempts.

The advantage is that you are provided with all the equipment you need for the challenge, so you don't have to spend any money.

The downside is that you have to play with the given equipment on the given map to complete it.


The description text suggests that you will have no defenses against the ghost, so you must be careful.


Exactly, the description of the challenge means that you will have no crucifixes, no incense, and no sanity medicine.

The voodoo doll is available to you as a cursed object.

Other equipment missing is 2 candles.


Your gear consists entirely of Tier 1 gear, minus the missing crucifixes, incense and sanity medicine.


The challenge takes place in Willow Street.

Tips on the process

The challenge only gives you Tier 1 gear, which you have at the start of the game, but you cannot protect yourself from the ghost.

Therefore, it is good if you find the ghost room as quickly as possible and are not hunted by then.

Bring the evidence equipment into the ghost room and start looking for some suitable hiding places during or immediately after the ghost hunts.

To find the ghost room faster, you can use the voodoo doll to force the ghost to interact.

However, this does come with a certain risk, as it will drain your sanity and there is a chance that you can use the voodoo doll to force a hunt.


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