Total 214 Posts
League of Legends: Everything About the 2vs2 Arena Mode
Riot Games has revived an old idea this year: A 2vs2 game mode on a tiny arena map. In this post you can find out all about the new exciting casual mode.
Shakes & Fidget: The Necromancer is Coming!
Playa Games has planned a new, somewhat more complex class. Playa Games has already tried its hand at complex classes before, but subsequently simplified them considerably. You can find out all about the "Necromancer" in this post.
RimWorld: Best Hospital Setup
The hospital in RimWorld is one of the essential rooms of your colony. Without an effective one, the recovery of your colonists will take even longer. You can learn how to set up an optimal hospital in this post.
Cities Skylines 2: How Big is the Map?
The size of the map in Cities: Skylines 2 has already caused great discrepancy in the player community before release. In this post, we'll get to the bottom of it and finally clarify how big you can build in C:S 2!
Cities Skylines 2: Release Date in October 2023
Colossal Order has finally announced the release date for CS: 2. In addition, a first gameplay trailer was released, from which many details can be confirmed.
Cities Skylines 2: All Editions and Pre-Order Bonus
This autumn CS: 2 will be officially released. An Ultimate Edition and the first DLC have already been announced. What is included in the different game versions? You can find out in this post!
Cities Skylines 2: All New (and Old) Features of the City Building Simulation
A whole series of new features will find their way into Cities: Skylines 2. Over the next few months, Paradox Interactive will be going into more detail about certain features. You can find the schedule in this post.