Once the Turret Platings fall at minute 14, the Objective Bounty is available. This gives the team at a disadvantage a bonus on objective kills.
When Does a Team Get Objective Bounties?
From the 14th minute, the difference between the teams is calculated. If the difference between the blue and red side is large enough, objective bounties will activate for the team at a disadvantage.
The objective bounty is not activated for a team that is just a little behind in gold. If both teams are roughly equal, there are no objective bounties at all.

The decisive factors for the objective bounty are:
- Difference in team experience
- Difference in team gold
- Difference in drake kills
- Difference in destroyed towers

How Much Gold Give Objective Bounties
The amount of the objective bounty depends on how much the losing team is currently at a disadvantage. The losing team can collect the bounties for the following objectives:
- (Elder) Dragons: 500g-800g
- Baron/Rift Herald: 500g-800g
- Outer Towers: 250g-400g
- Inner/Nexus Towers: 400g-640g
The bonus gold for the objective is global for the losing team, which means that each player on the losing team gets e.g. between 100g-160g for a dragon.

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