The summoning circle traps the ghost in the circle once all the candles are lit, making it a very good and easy way to take a ghost photo.
Each lit candle reduces the sanity.
If you run out of sanity, the candles will go out again as soon as you light them, and you will no longer be able to activate the circle.
Point Hope
You can find the summoning circle on the 5th floor of Point Hope.
The room on this level is the bathroom.
In the middle of the room you will find the summoning circle in front of the bathtub and next to the toilet.

Tanglewood Drive
In Tanglewood Drive, you'll find the summoning circle in the basement, just as you go down the stairs, on the right.
Edgefield Road
In Edgefield Road the summoning circle is also in the basement, once you go through the 2nd door of the basement you will find it in the middle of the room.
Ridgeview Court
In Ridgeview Court, the summoning circle is also in the basement.
You can find this if you walk to the left, past the dining table and turn right.
There you go through the 1st door on the right and down the stairs to the basement.
Grafton Farmhouse
In Grafton Farmhouse it is on the 1st floor.
After the front door, go right and up the stairs.
There you turn right and go straight into the room.
Go through this room and go left into the next room.
You are now walking straight ahead towards the circle.
Willow Street
In Willow Street, the summoning circle is in the basement of the house.
When you enter the house, go straight ahead and past the kitchen.
There left through the door down into the basement.

Brownstone High School
In Brownstone High School, the summoning circle is in the high school auditorium, straight ahead after entering the school.
Bleasdale Farmhouse
In Bleasedale Farmhouse, the Summoning Circle is exceptionally located in the attic of the house.
For this you go directly to the left, up the stairs and there left and another set of stairs to the attic.
Sunny Meadows
In the mental institution, Sunny Meadows, you can find the summoning circle, like all other cursed items, in the chapel. There he is in front of the big cross.
Sunny Meadows Restricted
As in the normal version of Sunny Meadows, you can find the summoning circle in Sunny Meadows Restricted in the chapel, in front of the big cross.
In Prison, the summoning circle is at the end of the hallway of the 1st room.
Just go straight through.
Maple Lodge campsite
In Maple Lodge Campsite, you'll find the summoning circle in the house that's at the very end of the path when you turn right.
There is the circle on the ground floor in front of the stairs.
Camp Woodwind
In Camp Woodwind you will find the summoning circle on the right side, to the right of the campfire.
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