Are you currently in a round of LoL and playing with or against the champion Smolder? Time to find out what Smolder actually does.
Smolder's Abilities
When Smolder hits a champion with an ability or kills a unit with Q, he gains a stack. For each stack, the damage of the basic abilities increases.
Point-and-click spell that shoots a fireball at the enemy and causes damage. Stacks of Smolders passive ability improve Q:
- Tier 1: Q deals area of effect damage.
- Tier 2: Q also deals damage in a cone behind the target.
- Tier 3: Targets burn and recieve true damage for a few seconds.
Smolder shoots a fireball (skillshot) straight ahead, dealing AOE damage in the hit zone and slowing enemies.
Smolder gains movement speed, vision and the ability to fly over terrain. The nearest enemy with the lowest health takes damage from small projectiles that are fired automatically.
Smolder casts a wide barrage of fire that moves straight in a direction, dealing damage. Enemies in the center of the fire take additional damage and are slowed.
Facts about Smolder
- Automatic Attacks: Ranged
- Damage Type: 70% Physical, 20% Magical, 10% True Damage
- Mana: Yes
- Roles: Bottom, Middle
- Release Date: January 2024
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