Total 106 Posts
Phasmophobia - Cursed Posessions in Tanglewood Drive with map
In this article, I would like to show you where the Cursed Posessions are located in Tanglewood Drive.
Phasmophobia - Cursed Posessions in Maple Lodge Campsite with map
Maple Lodge Campsite has been revamped.
In this article I want to show you where the cursed possessions are located in this new place.
Phasmophobia: Halloween 2023 ingredients positions in Maple Lodge Campsite with map
In this article you will find all the locations and exact positions on the map in Maple Lodge Campsite that you need to complete the Halloween event of 2023.
Phasmophobia: Halloween 2023 - All Pumpkin positions with map
In this article you will find all the locations and exact positions on the map of the pumpkins you need to complete the Halloween event of 2023.
Phasmophobia: Sanity Medicine Function and Tiers
In this article you will learn how the Sanity medicine works in the Progression 2.0 update and what tiers of it are available.
Phasmophobia: Photo Camera Function and Tiers
In this article you will learn how the photo camera works in the Progression 2.0 update and what tiers of it are available.
Phasmophobia: Motion Sensor Function and Tiers
In this article you will learn how the motion sensor in the Progression 2.0 update works and what tiers of it are available.