Start Ancient Stone Quest
One of the two new sidequests in Update 2 Spirit Town gives you a Cosmic Summon at the end as a reward with an increased chance of the champions from Spirit Town.
There are a total of 3 Ancient Stones in the new Spirit Town area.
The Ancient Rock that starts your quest can be found here:

You will find this when you have managed the first goal in this zone with the DPS check.
Go through this gate and follow the path straight ahead.
At the end of this path you will find exactly this Ancient Stone, which starts the quest.
First Ancient Stone

You will find the first Ancient Stone if you move away from the Ancient Rock and return to the path.
Then go through the large gate that you see in the top right of the picture.
There you follow the path further to the right and find the first Ancient Stone behind a house with a blue roof.
Second Ancient Stone
For the second Ancient Stone, you must first complete the other quest in the area, which requires you to defeat a few enemies in the area one by one.

From the first Ancient Stone, continue along the path through the next gate that you see with the first red arrow.
Then go up the path marked with the 2nd red arrow.

From there you will see another house with a blue roof, next to which is the second Ancient Stone.
Third Ancient Stone
To get to the third Ancient Stone, you have to go through a passage marked with the red arrow.

From there you will be teleported upwards, where you can already see the third Ancient Stone on a ledge.

You can simply drop down over this ledge and approach the third Ancient Stone.
You will then receive a Cosmic Summon for the Spirit Town, which you can exchange in the Champion City.

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