Total 51 Posts
Palworld Guide: Set up your own server!
For this guide you should have a minimum knowledge of Linux or Docker containers, the better you have it. Let's go!
Palworld: Palworld soon for the Switch?
Many users are wondering whether Palworld will soon be available for the Nintendo Switch. I can answer these questions in this blog post.
Palworld: Developer shares exciting details from the development of Palworld
A developer from the small game studio behind Palworld shared exciting anecdotes. Here are some excerpts from the interview.
Pokémon Go: A Paldea Adventure - Choose a Path
Which path should you take in the Paldea Adventure Quest? Find out what rewards are available for the first pages in this article.
Pokémon Go: Testing the Pokémon GO Plus+
I have been testing the Pokémon GO Plus+ for a few weeks now and can report mostly positive things. The device has definitely enriched my gaming experience. You can find a detailed report in this article.
7 vs. Wild: Fritz Meinecke's statement on the incident at 7 vs. Wild
After the incident with Andreas Kieling, Fritz Meinecke makes a statement in his livestream on Twitch that lasts over 40 minutes. The whole thing is also available as a YouTube video.
7 vs. Wild: Why Andreas Kieling Was Excluded and Jan Lange Joins
The 3rd season of 7 vs. Wild comes with a surprise: Andreas Kieling is out, Jan Lange is in. Find out the reasons for the change and the reaction of the community in our blog post.