
Total 223 Posts

Shakes & Fidget: Hellevator Guide

The Hellevator in Shakes & Fidget is a sporadic guild event where you can compete against 500 opponents in a "hell elevator" and collect rewards. Find out how the Hellevator works in this post.

Shakes & Fidget: Last International Game World W60 is Launched!

After W60 started yesterday with huge performance problems, everything seems to be running normally again. You can read all about the new server in this post.

Shakes & Fidget: Halloween Update 14.1

New dungeons, achievements, a free epic and upcoming events. The update 14.1 has a lot to offer for Halloween. Find out exactly what's coming in this post.

How to Open Google Maps Locations in Apple Maps and Vice Versa

In this guide you will learn how to convert links from Google Maps to Apple Maps and from Apple to Google.

Cities Skylines: Everything About Healthcare, Emergency Services and Police

These three services keep your city running. Without them, nobody would take care of the sick, nobody would fight fires or crime. You can find out everything you need to know about these services in this post.

League of Legends: Kill Streaks and Bounties

When do you become legendary in League of Legends? How much bounty do you get for a kill? You can find out all this and more in this post.

Shakes & Fidget: The Bard is the New Class in Sfgame

In this post, you'll learn all about the newest class in Shakes and Fidget: The Bard.