Total 225 Posts
Cities Skylines: Creating the Map "Asia" - Improved Mapmaking
For my recently published "Asia" map in the Steam Workshop, I have applied improvements in the map-making process. This makes future maps easier and faster to create.
How to Comment HTML Code
In every programming language there is the possibility to add explanatory text in the form of comments to the code. Comments are only visible to the programmer and are not displayed in the running program. Here you can find out how to add such comments to HTML code.
Legends of Runeterra: How to Import and Export Decks
The open beta for pre-registered players has only been available since last Thursday, but there are already countless builds of decks that are said to be the best. To try out these decks, Riot Games has integrated a very simple tool to import and export decks.
3 Reasons to Quit Social Media
Everyone carries them around on their smartphones: The black holes of productive time. However, we are not talking about a new astronomical phenomenon, but about apps that should actually make our lives easier.
RimWorld: 6 Valuable Tips for Beginners
This post is for all players who have little to no experience in RimWorld. These tips will make it much easier for you to get started.
Shakes & Fidget: Dates of Rare Pets
In addition to the common pets that can be found every week on certain days, the game also includes a number of pets that are only available at specific dates. In this post you can find out when you can find these rare pets in this year.
Perfect Size for your Ghost Blog Publication Cover (CASPER Theme)
The cover picture of your Ghost blog can be set in the editor under "General". In order to display the whole image, it is recommended to accurately crop the image.