The Devourer has a special mechanic that you must follow to defeat him.
But first, let’s talk about the preparations.
The Devourer deals poison damage with his poison skills.
That's why the game gives you a poison resistance of 1800 on normal.
Having more than 1800 is always worth it, but if you don't quite reach the suggested resistances, it's not too bad. You may just need to avoid the skills better.

You get resistances through the Poison Antibodies mod.

And polygenic antibodies.

You can also get poison resistance through a processor.

Boss fight
The Devourer is the colossus with the least total HP, but he can heal himself massively if you don't react immediately and correctly to his mechanics that heal him.
Weak points
The boss's kneecaps are the best place to target them, as they are easy to reach and he takes increased damage there.

Poison puddle
The Devourer hurls poison puddles and poison balls at you, which you must dodge as they cause poison damage.

Poison Ball
The bullets shoot in all directions with a short delay.
To do this, keep your distance and go to a higher level if possible so that they don't hit you.
If you can't get to a platform or higher level, you can also jump over the poison balls.

When the boss spawns the adds, try to kill them as soon as possible, as they can provide you with ammo and life.
They can also interrupt you when you try to revive an ally.

Once the boss's bottom bar is filled, he becomes immune to damage and begins to heal himself.

Once this phase is initiated, everyone's top priority is to split up into the green domes and immediately destroy the Symbionts inside.

Only when all Symbionts have been destroyed does the Devourer end its healing phase and become vulnerable to damage again.
If the boss is completely healed after this phase, you should abort the run because the lost time will no longer be enough to defeat him.

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