
Total 214 Posts

List of all LCK Winners - LoL Esports South Korea

South Korea is the forefather of esports and thus the LCK is also the oldest of all current regional leagues by Riot Games. The first split took place in 2012. In this post you will find a list of all LCK winners.

List of all LCS Winners - LoL Esports North America

The League Championship Series (LCS) is similar to the LEC and crowns the best LoL team in North America twice a year. The top seeds in NA are allowed to represent their region at the world championship. A list of all LCS winners can be found in this post.

List of all LEC Winners - LoL Esports Europe

The League of Legends European Championship (LEC) determines the best LoL team in Europe in two splits per year and thus also who will qualify for the world championship. You can find all the winners of this esports tournament in this post.

RimWorld: Which Difficulty is Which?

In addition to the three standard AI storytellers in RimWorld, you can also choose a difficulty level. However, with the 1.1 update, the names of the difficulty levels changed - so which one is which now?

Cities Skylines: How to Deal With Death Waves

During a death wave in Cities Skylines, a part of your population in the city suddenly dies. This can have a massive impact on your infrastructure and tax income. This post will help you to better understand death waves and gives tips on what to do about it.

How to Promote Your Video Game

"How do I market my indie game?" - This is the question many indie developers ask themselves. A good balance between marketing and game development is important to stay economical. In this post, we'll show you three ways in which you can market your indie game.

Shakes & Fidget: Everything You Need to Know About the Witch

What does the witch do in Sfgame and when do you unlock her? What you can throw into the witch's cauldron and all further explanations can be found in this guide.