
Total 225 Posts

Shakes & Fidget: Guild Full Build Cost - Old vs. New

Since the changes to upgrading the guild, it is no longer so easy to estimate exactly how much it costs in total to upgrade. Has it become more expensive, or maybe even cheaper?

Add Caption to HTML Table

A caption can be used to add a heading to a HTML table. This makes it easy to understand what the table is about.

League of Legends: Actual Drop Chance of Ultimate Skins

Hextech Crafting in League of Legends has been around for a few years now. For streamers, that's just another reason to spend hundreds of dollars on pack openings. But what is the chance of a "main prize"? Is it worth it, or is it just burning money?

Shakes & Fidget: Update - Olymp Dungeon and Demon Hunter Class

Around the Easter weekend, Playa Games announced some news for Shakes & Fidget. Besides a new dungeon there is also a new class: The Demon Hunter.

Cities Skylines: New Expansion is Called "Sunset Harbor"

Colossal Order sends Cities: Skylines to the next round. This time, players will finally get overground metro, new transport hubs and much more!

Shakes & Fidget: Screenshot Folder Location (Steam Application)

If you also play S&F via Steam, you have probably already wondered where all the screenshots are saved. Here you will find the location of the screenshot folder on Windows and MacOS.

Shakes & Fidget: All Rewards of the Daily Login Bonus

With a daily login bonus, the new update in Shakes & Fidget brings new incentives to log into the game every day. Here you can see an overview of all rewards.