In order to keep your buildings functional in the city, they need a constant power supply. There are many electricty sources available in Cities Skylines, all of which have their advantages and disadvantages.
For example, the electricity generated by wind turbines depends on the wind speed on the map, but does not require any further input of resources. In comparison, the coal power plant constantly produces the same amount of electricity, but requires a regular supply of coal to operate normally.
In order to rank the power sources in your city by costs, you can sort them by initial costs and operational costs. Placing the buildings costs money at first, but keeping them operational also costs money.
Best Power Source By Construction Cost (Initial Cost)
Power Source | Power Output in MW | Construction Cost in $ per MW |
Fusion Power Plant | 16.000 | 62,5 |
Nuclear Power Plant | 640 | 312,5 |
Solar Updraft Tower | 240 | 375 |
Oil Power Plant | 120 | 416,7 |
Coal Power Plant | 40 | 475 |
Solar Power Plant | 160 | 500 |
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant | 480 | 520,8 |
Advanced Wind Turbine | 20 | 600 |
Wave Power Plant | 20 | 700 |
Wind Turbine | 8 | 750 |
Geothermal Power Plant | 80 | 812,5 |
Best Power Source By Upkeep Cost (Maintenance)
Power Source | Power Output in MW | Upkeep in $ per MW |
Fusion Power Plant | 16.000 | 0,5 |
Solar Power Plant | 160 | 7,5 |
Wave Power Plant | 20 | 8 |
Solar Updraft Tower | 240 | 9,3 |
Advanced Wind Turbine | 20 | 10 |
Wind Turbine | 8 | 10 |
Nuclear Power Plant | 640 | 12,5 |
Geothermal Power Plant | 80 | 13 |
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant | 480 | 13,3 |
Coal Power Plant | 40 | 14 |
Oil Power Plant | 120 | 16 |
Other Power Sources
Hydro Power Plant
The Hydro Power Plant is a dam with turbines. At the maximum output of 1.600 MW, the Hydro Power Plant costs $2/MW upkeep, which theoretically makes it extremely efficient.
However, such values are difficult to achieve, as it is not easy in Cities Skylines to find such a good spot for a dam that can produce such values.
Garbage Disposal Buildings
Some garbage disposal buildings in Cities Skylines are also able to produce electricity when operating.
The Incineration Plant generates up to 12 MW and the Waste Processing Complex up to 40 MW of power. Another monument that exists since the Green Cities DLC is the Ultimate Recycling Plant, which produces up to 60 MW.
Buildings Have No Power
If some buildings in your city do not receive electricity, they are shown in red in the electricity overview.

But why are these buildings without power? This can be due to several problems:
- Building is not connected to the power grid
- Power source is not connected to the power grid
- Electricity production is too low
- Different power grids are not connected to each other
- No resources to generate electricity (wind, coal, oil)
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