With chat commands, some settings can be changed and numbers can be viewed, for example how many mushrooms have already been bought or found. This post will explain to you what else you can do with chat commands.

In the chat it is possible to get to chat commands by sending /help. With /help advanced it goes even further, there you can also change basic settings.

Overview of all Chat Commands in Shakes & Fidget
With /help you will be shown various chat commands.

Overview of Chat Commands

/gold bet "x"

Puts the amount of gold at the gambler. In order to make this command work, the gambler must be selected before.

/mushroom bet "x"

Puts the amount of mushrooms at the gambler. In order to make this command work, the gambler must be selected before.

/friend "name"

Adds the named player to the friends list.

/unfriend "name"

Deletes the named player from the friends list.

/ignore "name"

Adds the named player to the ignore list.

/unignore "name"

Deletes the named player from the ignore list.


Sends a whisper message to the named player.

/help advanced

Shows advanced chat commands.

Advanced Chat Commands


Deletes the chat history.


Shows your players' ID. The first created account of the server receives "1", the second player "2" and so on.


Shows your guilds' ID. The first created guild of the server receives "1", the second guild "2" and so on.


Shows the code of the current guild coat of arms. Sending this chat command will open the coat of arms editor. There you can submit your proposal to the guild master. As a guild master, you can change the coat of arms there.

Changes the blinking settings of the chat. However, this option is also available in the settings.
/chatblink 0 No blinking
/chatblink 1 Private messages
/chatblink 2 Chat messages
/chatblink 3 Alle messages


Shows the current version of the game.

/hidegoldframe [1;0]

Allows to hide the golden frame.
/hidegoldframe 1 Hides the frame
/hidegoldframe 0 Shows the frame again

/redgreen [1;0]

Enables/disables the color blind mode.
/redgreen 1 Sets this option ON
/redgreen 0 Sets this option OFF


Shows the current date and time of the game server.


Shows the amount of bought mushrooms.


Shows the amount of found mushrooms.