If you also play S&F via Steam, you have probably already wondered where all the screenshots are saved. Here you will find the location of the screenshot folder on Windows and MacOS.
Windows File Path
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\*User-ID*\760\remote\438040\screenshots
MacOS File Path
/Users/*Username*/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/*User-ID*/760/remote/438040/screenshots
MacOS: Making the Library Folder Visible
Command + Space opens the Spotlight-Search. If you search there for /Users/*Username*/ you will find the Library folder.
The Library folder is not visible yet? No problem:
Right click -> Show View Options -> Show Library Folder

Windows: Create Desktop Shortcut
It is tedious to look for this folder over and over, in order to have a look at his screenshot collection. My tip: Just create a shortcut for the screenshot folder on your desktop.

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