Cities Skylines
Total 20 Posts
Posts about the best city building game in the world.
Cities Skylines: How to Deal With Death Waves
During a death wave in Cities Skylines, a part of your population in the city suddenly dies. This can have a massive impact on your infrastructure and tax income. This post will help you to better understand death waves and gives tips on what to do about it.
Cities Skylines: How to Edit Default Maps
If you want to make changes to default maps in Cities Skylines, this will not work without further ado. To do this, you first have to copy the map files into another directory.
Cities Skylines: All 8 Monuments and their Requirements
The monuments are the buildings in cities that are by far the most difficult to obtain. The reason for this is that they offer extremely good bonuses and services for your city. You can find out everything about the requirements and functionality of the monuments in this post.
Cities Skylines: Perfect Cloverleaf Interchange with Advanced Road Tools
The mod Advanced Road Tools allows you to place perfect circular ascents and descents. This way, it is no longer necessary to tediously construct the circles by hand.
Cities Skylines: How to Create Bigger Assets in the Editor
The area outside the white grid cannot be built on in the asset editor. With the mod "Fine Road Anarchy" you can make this grid disappear, which allows to create huge intersections.
Cities Skylines: New Expansion is Called "Sunset Harbor"
Colossal Order sends Cities: Skylines to the next round. This time, players will finally get overground metro, new transport hubs and much more!
Cities Skylines: Creating the Map "Asia" - Improved Mapmaking
For my recently published "Asia" map in the Steam Workshop, I have applied improvements in the map-making process. This makes future maps easier and faster to create.