Total 225 Posts
Auto Start of Programs under MacOS
If you want to open programs on startup of your computer, there is an easy way in MacOS for those programs that do not offer this feature in their own settings.
How to Disconnect Spotify from Facebook
Deleting Facebook without sacrificing your Spotify account is actually possible. This guide explains in three simple steps how to disconnect Spotify completely from Facebook.
Shakes & Fidget: Advent Calendar brings Gifts in December
For the Shakes & Fidget winter update not only the Arena Manager was included in the Achievements, another Achievement has made hints to an advent calendar.
How to Test Your Website for Mobile Devices - Without Smartphone or Tablet
With the Google Chrome browser, any website can easily be viewed as a mobile version. If you use the developer tool of Google Chrome, your page can be simulated for any device.
League of Legends: How to Win the Game With an Auto Fill Support
As a botlane, Solo Queue often makes it difficult to get along well and finish the lane without major misunderstandings. This set of rules is intended to set a framework in which the Solo Queue is bearable even for ADCs.
How to Resize Images on Windows and MacOS
This guide will explain why it makes sense to scale images on websites and how to do it on Windows and MacOS.
League of Legends: Your Rank is Not Worth the Same Anymore
Just over a year ago, Riot Games announced the new Grandmaster-tier, as well as the Iron-tier, at the bottom of the rankings. All tiers now have only four, instead of five divisions. In the background was also worked on the ranked distribution, which now shows in the ladder.